The population of Nepal is about 237,00,000. 40% of the population living below the poverty group, and the average length of life is 60 years. The child mortality rate is (one years old or less) said 76 children per 1,000 births (The statistical data of 1998).
The adult literacy rate is about 30%, and is said to be only 15% among women. In the education system, the government provides teachers and textbooks; however, the community residents must pay for the construction of school. Therefore it is nearly impossible for poorer communities to build their own schools due to their economic situation. In addition, there is an overall shortage of the number of schools and the number of teachers, and the numbers of children enrolled in the elementary education (elementary school) is only 60% of all boys, and 25% of all girls.
Reference material
Population: 236,988,421 people(1998 data)
GDP per person US$270
Compared to Japan, Gross National Income is 780:1, Exports are 820:1, Imports are 240:1, Tourism revenue is 35:1, Energy consumption is 110:1
Population Structure (The data of 1998)
Age 0-14 42%
Women 4,779,941 people
Men 5,087,855 people
Age 15-64 55%
Women 6,387,255 people
Men 6,655,865 people
Over Age 65 2%
Women 395,364 people
Men 392,141 people
Population Growth Rate: 2.52% (1998)
Birth rate: 35.66 births per 1000 persons (1998 data)
Death rate: 10.44 deaths per 1000 persons (1998 data)
Children's death rate (Less than one year old): 75.98 deaths per 1,000 births (1998 data)
Average Life Expectancy (The data of 1998)
Total Population: 57.89 years
Men: 58.04 years
Women: 57.74 years
Literacy Rate (over age 15) (1995 data)
Total Population: 27.5%
Men: 40.9%
Women: 14%
Workforce: Approximately 100,000,000 (1996 data)
Agriculture: 81%
Service Industries: 16%
Manufacturing: 3%
Ethnic Structure
Newar, Tibetan/Burmese hilltribes, Northern Indian tribes, divided into Gurung, Tamang, Sherpa, Chhettri and many other tribes.
Hindu: 90%, Buddhist: 5%, Islam: 3%, Other 2% (1981 data)
Nepali (Official language), 20 other languages and numerous dialects
Source: Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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